Meditation & Mindful Movements
Lotus rising has intentionally moved walls to create a space for the purpose of teaching and practicing the skill of meditation and using mindful movements.
“I wish I would have learned how to breathe and meditate when I was younger.” - Many Adult Meditators :)
Teaching children and teens to be mindful, breathe and meditate is not as difficult as one thinks. Young people often have less mental barriers, biases, and pre-determined beliefs - this allows them to experience a pure state of mindfulness.
Benefits are endless but at the top of the list are:
Enhances Focus
Fosters Self Esteem and Self Love
Relieves Stress for Better Performance in Life
Supports Healthy Emotional Development
Enhances Empathy and Connectedness
Inhale and Exhale, Begin Moving with Intention
(Elements of Mindfulness will be incorporated in other Groups offered)
Groups focused on Specifically Meditation and Mindful Movements will be held weekly