Parent Skills & Support
“Parenting is the hardest job out there!”
Do you….often feel angry with your child/teen or your partner for contributing to problem behaviors
Do you…feel guilty for what you have or have not done to help your child/teen
Do you….find yourself comparing your child/teen or family with others you see on social media and feeling less than
Do you….feel sad/disappointment that your relationship with your teen isn’t what you expected or hoped for
Do you….feel frustrated that your teen just doesn’t get it… nothing is working, feeling like it’s just not clicking for them
Do you….feel embarrassed, fearful and alone at times
Good News….you’re not alone, and lotus rising is here to help
join Lotus rising for parenting groups
Learn the difference between typical behavior and what's cause for concern
Learn skills to get through the moment and ease parental stress
Learn why your teen gets triggered so you can head off unhealthy behaviors
Learn exactly how to respond to your teen's intense emotions, and when NOT to respond
Learn to find the balance between exploding and giving in to keep your relationship strong and help you feel good about how you’re responding to your teen, without guilt or regret after the interaction ends
Learn when to step in and support your teen and when to foster independence so that they are actually prepared for adulthood and managing life’s challenges successfully
Gain tools you need to create true and lasting behavior changes
And, much much more!
Parenting Groups are held weekly and are 90 minutes in Length.